Monday, April 27, 2009

Minnie Pwerle

On the walls at my sister's house - Minnie Pwerle's intriguing paintings. Minnie belongs to the Alyawarr group near Alice Springs.
Minnie's paintings reflect the design used for body painting in women's ceremony - Awelye.

I particularly love the rings. My eyes bounce over the surface, become caught in a colour trail, follow lines of perspective into and out of the grounding.

My sister bought these in Melbourne after we attended my graduation at Monash Uni last year. We went back several times before settling on these.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And part of the pleasure in these paintings is in the memory of having sister time in Melbourne, and the belief in my choice in art that only a sister will give- mind you, we even chose the same shoes and clothes as young girls, shopping quite separately, so our tastes are aligned.